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feng shui new home tips to increase blessings & good fortune

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While a new home is always a new beginning and a blank slate, that doesn’t necessarily mean that your home is free of old energy. 

Not only do you bring yourself and your old energy patterns into your new home, but also your home can have an energetic blueprint from previous inhabitants.

That’s where feng shui tips for a moving into a new home come into play!

You can easily remove old, stagnant energy and prepare your new home for your family. Let’s get started!

how to feng shui a new home: picture of kitchen with island and table

Use these feng shui new home tips to set your new home up for success energetically to support you and your family!

The first thing you should do (before moving in, if possible!) is a feng shui new home cleanse. 

This cleanses the energy in your home to make room for you and your family! 

Every home contains feng shui predecessor energy. 

What is predecessor energy?

This can be the dominant energy of those who lived in your home previously or even the energy of what your home was used for before you bought it.

For example, was your home a rental that held a lot of people? 

Or people who moved in and out frequently? 

Did the previous owners have financial success or financial ruin? 

Did the people who live there experience a lot of loneliness or arguments? 

Was the home filled with love and good vibes, or was it neglected? 

Did the previous owners foreclose or leave the home empty for a long time? 

Any of these things can affect the predecessor energy, and it’s important to cleanse that energy from your home so that you can start with a clean slate!

large potted plant by window

Here’s how to do a feng shui cleanse for a new home:

A feng shui cleanse for a new home should ideally be completed before you move in, but you can really do an energy cleanse at any time. 

For a new home, it’s just a bit easier because you don’t have to maneuver around boxes or your belongings, and the energy can move more freely. 

But if you didn’t do the energy cleanse before moving, don’t worry!

Just do it ASAP and trust that the old energies are leaving!

Step One: Clean your home. 

Cleaning stirs up the Chi (life-force energy) and gets rid of the lower vibrations that might be present from the previous owners. 

Clean everything! 

Sweeping and vacuuming are especially important. 

Don’t forget the closets and inside the cabinets! 

You should also take a broom and sweep the corners and around the ceilings of each room. 

Stagnant energy collects in the corners of rooms so using a broom stirs up that energy!

Step Two:  Clean the front door. 

The front door is how new energy enters your home. 

Clean the front door with soap and water (or a cleanser you like!) and a pinch of salt. 

Salt energetically absorbs old energy and makes room for new beginnings. 

tv hanging on wall with decorative objects

Step Three:  Sweep the front porch or front steps. 

Once you’ve cleaned the front door, it’s time to sweep the front porch or front steps. 

You are taking all of that old, stagnant energy and sweeping it away from your home. 

This way, all of the new, fresh Chi doesn’t have to pass through the old energy to get into your home!

Step Four:  Smudge your home. 

Smudging clears the old energies and vibrations. 

This is one of the most important steps of a feng shui cleanse for a new home. 

Smudging changes the energy in your home so that new energy can take root. 

Make sure you open the windows a bit while smudging so that the old, stagnant predecessor energy has somewhere to go! 

Click here to learn how to smudge.

Step Five:  Set your new intentions. 

Once the energy is clear, it’s time to energetically claim your new home! 

One way to do this is to do a white light meditation. 

A white light meditation means that you are creating a protective bubble of new, vibrant energy around your entire home. 

It’s a very quick, easy process. 

  1. Sit somewhere quiet and still your mind.
  2. Imagine a white light coming up from the street, to your front door.
  3. Imagine this light traveling all throughout your home.  This white light represents all of the intentions you have for your life in your new home.  It also represents protection, safety, abundance, and prosperity filling your home and the entire space around your home.
  4. Once you’ve imagined the light has traveled throughout your home, imagine this light growing and growing, creating a bright, protective bubble around your entire home, yard, and driveway, and everything inside of it.
  5. Set the intention that your entire home and everything in it is protected, safe, and loved.  Everything inside of this light bubble supports the highest good of everyone who lives there.
  6. And so it is! This or something better, always.
coffee maker on counter

Now that you’ve done the feng shui cleanse for your new home, it’s time to set your home up for success! 

Here are some feng shui new home tips that you can follow when arranging and moving in your belongings.

Feng shui new home tips: Setting up your new home for success and good fortune

One:  Consider the intention of each room.

It’s a lot easier to set your new home up for success when you’re first unpacking than it is to go back through later and rearrange everything. 

One way to do this is to have a clear purpose for each room in your home. 

When it comes to feng shui for a new home, you want to have clear, free-flowing energy. 

That means each room should have a clear intention and use.

For example, your main bedroom should be your main bedroom. 

If possible, don’t fill your main bedroom with office and work items, exercise equipment, and boxes full of items that don’t have a home. 

Instead, have a clear intention for your main bedroom:  rest, relaxation, and intimacy with your partner. 

Do you want to be “married to your work?”

If not, try not to keep those types of things in your bedroom. 

If you must have an office area in your bedroom, separate it somehow from the rest of the room. 

Either put your office things away each evening, or use a room divider of some type. 

You could also use a large plant as a screen if you don’t have room for a divider, but the key is to separate the work items from your bed so that your bed has a clear purpose and your sleep isn’t disrupted by work energy.

Consider the best use of the room. 

While it’s good to use each room for its intended purpose, you should also consider how YOU would best use the room. 

For example, if you need a home office and you don’t really use your dining room EVER, would the room get more use as an office? 

It’s much better to actually USE your home rather than let rooms gather dust. 

You don’t have to be confined by what the builder of your home decided was each room’s intended purpose.


Set it up for success so that you use and love every inch.

beige chair next to blankets and window

Two:  Arrange furniture so there’s flow. 

Try not to block walkways or doorways with furniture. 

This blocks the Chi (life-force energy) and can cause stagnation and frustration. 

Again, think of the intention of the room when you’re setting up furniture. 

Common areas should have seating arranged to encourage gathering and interaction. 

Try to balance furniture so that it’s not all pushed up against one wall. 

And try to create seating areas that face each other so that everyone can participate.

Three:  Look at your artwork. 

If you’re bringing artwork from a previous home into your new home, take a minute to really think about the artwork before using it in your new home. 

Does the artwork represent your new life? 

Does it represent old relationships or past experiences (or feelings) that you don’t want to bring into your new space? 

Artwork tends to reflect the energy of who we were and what we were feeling when we bought it. 

If it doesn’t represent your life anymore or you don’t have good feelings when you look at it, don’t use it in your new home! 

A new home is an opportunity to look at things with fresh eyes and get rid of the things that are no longer serving you.

side table with plant by window

Four:  Give yourself permission to let things go. 

Speaking of things that are no longer serving you – use moving as an opportunity to get rid of clutter and belongings you’re no longer using. 

Sometimes purging happens when you’re packing, but you might be surprised when you’re unpacking, too. 

When you’ve packed up your belongings it helps you to get energetic distance. 

That means when you’re unpacking you might find that you don’t feel as attached to certain items you thought you were going to use in your new home. 

Pay attention to those feelings and don’t just keep items because you think you have to. 

You are moving into a new phase in your life and it’s natural that your new home and belongings might shift too. 

If you have a hard time letting things go, you can always just keep them boxed for a few more weeks and revisit it. 

You’ll most likely find that your instinct was correct and you no longer want the item or you don’t feel connected to it anymore. 

Pass it on to someone who will love it and can bring fresh energy and love to it!

white kitchen island with bar stools

Five:  Live in your home for a while and let it speak to you. 

You don’t have to have everything perfectly unpacked and decorated immediately. 

Let your home and life speak to you in this new phase. 

Use your home and see how things feel for a while. 

You’ll find that your home’s energy and your family’s energy will align more closely and where you keep things will shift. 

This is a good thing! 

The more you listen to your home and align it with how you really love to live, the more harmony and balance you’ll feel in your space!

Six: Feng shui your front door.

The front door is one of the most important areas of your home.

It’s where new energy, opportunities, fresh Chi, and abundance energy enter your home!

When you want to feng shui your new home, consider buying a new welcome mat.

Find one that you love and that makes you excited to enter your new home each day! 

This welcomes new Chi and helps you keep the new, fresh energy of your home going. 

Click here to learn more about how to feng shui your front door!

kitchen table with plant in a vase

What about feng shui for new home construction?

If you’re building a home, you might wonder if there are feng shui principles you should consider for your new home. 

While in Western feng shui we don’t worry too much about compass directions or specific feng shui principles, there are still some feng shui things to consider when building a home.

Keep in mind that these are feng shui suggestions, not MUST-HAVES. 

If any one of these things isn’t possible, it doesn’t mean that your home will have bad feng shui. 

It’s just a way to optimize your feng shui if you are able to choose, so don’t worry if you can’t have all of these things!

One:  Do you love the location?

If you have the opportunity to choose which lot you build your new home on, there are several feng shui principles you can consider. 

  • Can you easily see your front door from the street? 

Your front door is where Chi enters your home, so it’s best if you can easily see your front door from the street. 

A clear walkway up to your front door is best.

  • Is it in a busy location? 

Busy streets mean the energy around your home is also really busy. 

What is around your home?

  • Is it in a quiet area, or is it in a busy, industrial area? 
  • Is it surrounded by large powerlines? 
  • Do you know the history of the land your home is being built on? 

Quieter, residential areas have the best Chi for a home. 

If your new home is inside a condominium complex, apartment complex, or a townhome area then obviously you can’t control some of these things. 

The idea is to control what you can and not worry too much about the rest!

bedroom with bed and pillows

Two: Is the front door directly opposite the back door or a large window? 

Since the front door is how Chi enters your home, if it aligns directly with a back door or large windows the Chi can enter and then go straight out the back. 

If possible, move them so that they aren’t aligned, or place some sort of room divider or plant in between them.

Three:  Consider the layout.

Generally, it’s best to have communal areas, like living rooms and family rooms towards the front of the home. 

Bedrooms are better towards the back of the home. 

This protects them from too much energy, creating a safer and more peaceful environment for rest and relaxation.

Four:  What’s the shape of your home?

If you have control over the shape of your new home, you can look at the feng shui bagua map and choose which areas go where. 

Square shapes, circles, or rectangles tend to be the “best” feng shui because they will fit in the bagua map easily and not have missing areas. 

L-shapes and layouts with large cut-out areas can be tricky when it comes to the bagua. 

That doesn’t mean impossible, it just means that you might have to apply more feng shui in the rooms surrounding the missing areas. 

(Click here to see a picture of the feng shui bagua map and how to apply it!)

kitchen counter with decorative objects

Five: Staircases, bathrooms, and sinks/washrooms can cause energy drains, so it’s best if they aren’t directly across from the front door. 

Six:  Large, floor-to-ceiling windows can also disrupt energy. 

It’s best to not have large, uncovered windows in bedrooms because it can cause the nervous system to be on high alert. 

Design them so they can be covered easily in the evening or when you need privacy.

Finally, remember that if you LOVE your home, none of the above feng shui best practices are deal breakers. 

There are always ways to optimize your home for the best flow and energy. 

Your home will be filled with the energy you bring to it, and often we are attracted to certain homes for a reason. 

Don’t ever feel like you should pass on your dream home just because feng shui said it was “bad.” 

Instead, go with your intuition and apply a few feng shui cures if you feel led to optimize it in some way!

plates and glasses on shelves

Feng shui tips for buying a home / How to use feng shui when you’re buying a home

Did you know you can also use feng shui for buying a home? 

Here are some quick feng shui tips you can use to make the home buying process go smoothly!

One:  Detach from your current home.

Because feng shui is all about intention and vibration, it’s important to start preparing for your new home right away. 

One way to do this is to prepare to move from your current home. 

Start to declutter and pack things up to get ready to move! 

This will signal to the Universe that you’re ready to go. 

Declutter anything in your current home that you don’t want to take with you to the new home. 

Especially look for things that no longer fit with your future life – old furniture, old clothes, and old artwork that no longer represents who you are and who you want to be.

beige couch with decorative pillows

Two:  Create a feng shui helpful people box for home buying.

A feng shui helpful people box for home-buying will help you line up everyone who can help you in the home-buying process. 

Make a shortlist of everyone you can think of that will be involved in the home buying process with you. 

Real estate agents, mortgage brokers, home inspectors, current landlord (if you have one,) home sellers, movers – anyone you can think of.

If you know the person’s name, you can put their name in the box. 

Otherwise, the title of the person will work just as well. 

As more people pop up during the process, put their name in the box, too.

Click here to learn all about how to create and use a feng shui helpful people box.

bathroom counter with vase of flowers

Three:  Enhance your home’s money area.

If you will need money during the home buying process, you can also add some enhancements to your wealth area! 

One of the most fun feng shui enhancements is a feng shui wealth bowl. 

If you know the specific amount of money you’ll need for the home purchase, write out that amount on a small piece of paper in red ink. 

Place it inside your feng shui money bowl. 

Click here to learn how to create a feng shui wealth bowl!

Now that you know all of the feng shui new home tips, you might also want to know:

feng shui tips for a new home to increase blessings and good fortune

how to feng shui a new home for increased blessings and good fortune!