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give your bedroom a makeover with these DIY feng shui bedroom tips!

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Because good Feng Shui always starts with your health and well-being, the bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the house.

In feng shui, your bedroom is the foundation of rest, self-care, and your relationship with your partner and yourself!

A bedroom with good feng shui is full of restful, positive energy that supports you for the rest of your life.

DIY feng shui bedroom tips: woman sitting on bed drinking coffee

Here are 10 DIY feng shui bedroom tips!

One: As a general rule, the bedroom should be for sleeping and bedroom activities — nothing else!

This means that if possible, you should remove electronics and anything that would interrupt your sleep.

Yes, that means you should remove your home office from your bedroom.

If you can’t do that, then it is helpful to hang a curtain or use a room divider to block the office space from your bed/sleeping area.

woman sitting on bed

Two: The best Feng Shui bed placement – the command position

In Feng Shui, being in “the commanding position” means that you are facing the door.

In this position, you can see everyone who enters the room.

If the door is behind you and you can’t see everyone who enters, your nervous system is on high alert at all times (even if you don’t think it is.)

In other words, you aren’t getting the most restful sleep because your body and mind are stressed.

If it is not possible for your bed to be in the command position, then a feng shui cure for this problem is to place a small mirror across from the bed so that it reflects the door and you can see who is entering.

Other tips for Feng Shui Bed Placement:

If possible, don’t place the bed directly across from the door.

You want to be able to see the door, but not be directly in it’s path.

The best place for the bed is against a solid wall.

The bed shouldn’t be floating in the middle of the room or directly under a window.

Also don’t have a ceiling fan directly over you — this also represents danger to your nervous system, and can even cause health problems like pain in your feet and legs.

woman placing pillow on bed

Three: Your bed should have a headboard.

Just like having a solid wall behind your bed is ideal, having a solid headboard also represents support and stability.

Choose a soft headboard or a solid one — metal slats can break up the solid energy and cause energetic chaos.

Four: Remove books, clutter, and electronics from the bedroom.

In Feng Shui, everything is energy.

Anything that holds a lot of energy, like books and electronic devices (like cell phones and televisions), can disrupt your sleep.

Your body is absorbing the energies of those items, even if it doesn’t feel like it is.

Clutter also holds a lot of energy — especially under the bed!

If possible, keep the area under your bed empty.

If you need to have an alarm clock or your phone in your bedroom, try to keep it across the room from your bed so it’s not right next to you while sleeping.

You can also keep electronics in drawers at night to block the energy.

picture of bed and side table

Five: Have pairs of items in the room.

Pairs represent strong, balanced relationships.

Having two nightstands, two lamps, two pillows, two chairs means each person has their own space.

Even if you are single, having two of everything means you are holding space for your future partner.

It also brings balance to the room.

The pairs do not need to match each other, so it’s less important to have two matching nightstands than it is to have two bedside tables that complement and balance each other.

Also, try to have equal space on both sides of the bed.

This creates balance in your room and your life – whether you have a partner or not.

If you WANT a romantic partner, having space on each side of the bed creates symbolic room for them!

Six: Avoid having a mirror directly across from the bed.

If you find that you’re having trouble sleeping and you have a mirror facing the bed, try covering it for a few nights and see how you feel.

Mirrors bounce energy, which can be too active in a bedroom.

If you do want a mirror in the bedroom, make sure it reflects something you love to look at.

Mirrors in the bedroom aren’t “bad Feng Shui,” you just want to ensure that you are sleeping peacefully and they aren’t bothering you.

picture of pillows on bed

Seven: How to feng shui your bedroom art.

Art in your bedroom should be calming, not too active, and not too heavy.

Avoid having super active art above your bed, or anything hanging over your head while you sleep.

Shelves full of photos and/or books shouldn’t be hanging above you.

Choose calming art with soothing patterns that hangs flat against the wall and doesn’t hang over you while you’re sleeping.

Eight: Choose the best bedside table.

Your nightstand should be the same height as the bed, and not have sharp corners facing you while you’re sleeping.

Sharp corners are poison arrows in Feng Shui, which means they point right at you (and in bed can be pointing right at your head!)

Choose a nightstand with rounded corners, and if possible, one that is shorter than the mattress so nothing is blocking you while you’re sleeping.

If you do have a nightstand with sharp corners, you can cover it with a piece of fabric to soften the corners.

Nine: Keep water features and fish tanks out of the bedroom.

The moving water is too active and will keep energy moving, which disrupts your sleep.

This also goes for art or pictures that have water scenes in them.

Water also slows the fire element in the destructive cycle, which will dampen romance!

Ten: Consult the bagua for the best colors and elements for the space.

Remember the bedroom should be peaceful and not “active,” so use intense bagua colors and the feng shui elements sparingly.

Neutrals with pops of color are usually best for your bedroom.

Click here to see a picture of the feng shui bagua map and learn how to use it! You can also click here to learn more about the best feng shui bedroom colors!

woman sitting on bed

DIY bedroom feng shui tips Q & A:

What is the best direction for your bed to face?

As I stated above, in Western Feng Shui, bed placement should always be in the command position.

In other Feng Shui philosophies, such as Compass School, the cardinal direction your bed is facing is important as well.

In the Compass Schools, the lucky positions for your bed to be facing are: West, East, Southwest, Southeast, and you should avoid your bed facing North if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere.

In Western Feng Shui, however, we don’t worry about directions as much, as long as the bed is in the command position.

How do I get positive energy in my bedroom?

If you want more positive energy in your bedroom (or any room, for that matter) some feng shui ways to do this are:

  1. Declutter. Keep everything fresh and calm.
  2. Clean and smudge the space, removing negative energy.
  3. Open the windows to help the air and chi circulate.
  4. Bring in a few plants to keep the air fresh and clear.
  5. Stick to light, fresh colors to raise the vibrations.
  6. Decorate with things you love, so that you are happy when you look at them. Don’t live with things you hate!
  7. Make your bed so that you start each day with a fresh, clean slate.
  8. Open the curtains in the morning to let the light in. This invites in new, happy energy and helps cleanse the space.
  9. Play your favorite music to raise the vibrations of the space. I love to play energetic music while I’m smudging to help break up negative energy!
  10. Change burnt out light bulbs right away. Light bulbs represent fire energy, so burnt out light bulbs are extinguished chi!
  11. Bring in light fixtures that beam light upwards — this represents upward, positive energy!
  12. Burn a candle in your room for a few hours — this will help the room smell good and also stir up the fire energy!
  13. Vacuum under the bed. This will remove the stagnant energy that can build up under there. Also dust bunnies are just like clutter — they stop the flow of energy and can interrupt your sleep! 😉

Is it bad feng shui to have your bed facing the bedroom door?

In feng shui, the command position means your bed faces the door but isn’t directly across from the door.

If there’s no other place for your bed than directly across from the door, it isn’t bad feng shui.

If it’s not bothering your sleep then don’t worry about the bed facing the door.

If you ARE having trouble sleeping, you can hang a small feng shui crystal from the ceiling to disperse the energy.

bathroom sink and bathtub

What is the best feng shui bedroom layout?

Most feng shui experts would tell you that the following is good bedroom feng shui:

  • Ideally, your headboard should be against a solid wall.
  • Your bed should be across from the door, but not directly in front of the door.
  • You should have space on both sides of your bed.
  • Don’t store things under your bed.
  • Don’t have electronics or your home office in your bedroom.
  • Your bed shouldn’t be directly across from a large mirror.
  • And it shouldn’t be directly across from a bathroom door.
  • You also shouldn’t place your bed against a shared bathroom wall.

As you can see, the “ideal” feng shui bedroom layout might not be possible in all situations!

Instead of worrying that your bedroom follows perfect feng shui principles, make the best of the situation!

Do everything you can and don’t worry about the rest.

Make your room as restful, peaceful, organized, and happy as possible.

The most important thing is for you to consider when you use DIY feng shui bedroom tips is that you LOVE your room and that it feels like a sanctuary than it is that it has “good feng shui.”

It’s not good feng shui if you hate it or it feels weird to you!

The best bedroom feng shui creates flow and a sense of peace and well-being. Don’t worry about the things you can’t control.

woman arranging pillows on bed

Should you have family photos in your bedroom?

Ideally, for good feng shui, family pictures should be in the shared areas of your home.

Living rooms, family rooms, dining rooms are best.

If you keep family pictures in your bedroom it is basically like they are watching you while you sleep.

It can also represent those people interfering or being in the middle of your relationship.

Try to keep pictures of you and your partner in your bedroom and no one else.

Is having your home office in your bedroom bad for feng shui?

Sometimes it’s not possible to have a home office in another area of your home and it has to be in the bedroom.

That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad feng shui to have a home office in your bedroom.

Instead, try to keep a separate office area space in your bedroom.

Somewhere that you can put away your work at the end of the day is best!

If you HAVE to work from bed, just try to keep your computer or other work away from the bed while you’re sleeping.

Put it in a drawer, briefcase, or in your desk at night if possible.

If you have a desk space in your bedroom, you can also block it off somehow at night to mute the work energy.

Put a plant between your desk and your bed, get a room divider, or even cover it at night with a curtain or piece of fabric.

All of these things can separate your workspace from your sleep space and help you get a good night’s sleep.

closeup of woman drinking coffee

How do you remove negative energy from your bedroom?

Negative energy represents stuck energy.

Deep cleaning your bedroom, opening the windows and curtains to let in natural light, and clearing out your closet can help free the stuck energy.

You can also smudge your bedroom to remove stuck, stagnant Chi.

This post has more information about smudging: How To Smudge Your House And Get Rid Of Negative Energy

And this post will show you the basics of removing negative energy from your home: feng shui to remove negative energy from your home (and life!) – 10 easy to follow tips!

What are the best colors for your bedroom?

In general, you want soft, neutral colors in your bedroom.

Beiges, light pinks, light purples, peach tones — all of these are good colors for your bedroom.

You don’t want too many bright, fiery colors or too many watery colors.

To learn more about the best feng shui bedroom colors, you can check out this post: Choosing The Best Feng Shui Bedroom Colors in 3 Easy Steps

What is the best feng shui bedroom decor?

The best feng shui bedroom decor is comfortable, cozy, and supports rest and relaxation.

That means don’t keep your collection of horror novels in your bedroom.😉

You want home decor objects that aren’t too “active” – which means they have restful energy.

Rounded corners, soft pillows, plush bedding are all good feng shui home decor choices.

Think about where you feel most relaxed – is it when you travel? Is it at the spa? Is it at the beach?

Try to bring that energy into your bedroom.

Create a sanctuary (whatever that means to you!) When in doubt, remove things before you add them! Declutter, clean, and organize first.

Then add items back in and see how you feel!

When it comes to DIY feng shui for your bedroom, the good news is that you can’t really get it wrong!

As long as you do the things that work best for you and your home, you will be well on your way to having a bedroom full of positive energy and good Chi.

Make your room a sanctuary for you (and your partner if you have one!) and you’ll reap the benefits of good feng shui.

Now that you know the best DIY feng shui bedroom tips, you might also want to check out:

bed and side table - give your bedroom a makeover with feng shui

Carol Butler

Thursday 11th of March 2021

I will try these changes. Thank you